Bridgemate app
Version history
L'historique des versions
Version 3.0.1 / 3.0.2
Bug fixes and the following new features:
- Enter bridge scores in the app. Scores are exchanged real-time with the Bridgemate scoring system used offline at the club.
- TD can reactivate an event.
- TD can delete an event.
- User can set his account image or avatar.
- User can delete his account.
Version 2.5.6
Bug fixes and the following new features:
- Share your ranking on Facebook.
- Share a handrecord on Facebook, select 1, 2 or 4 hands of a board to share.
Version 2.4.1
Maintenance release. Users who are logged off will not receive notifications from the app.Version 2.3.1
Maintenance release to comply with updated frameworks and regulations of Google Play Store and iOS appstore.
Version 2.2.3
Bug fixes and the following new features:
- Turkish Language has been added
- Notifictions when a new session starts
Version 2.1.1
New features:
- Option added to keep screen awake when app is active.
- Players can see rankings of all sections in an event they played in, even if it’s a different scoring method or group.
Improvements for Tournament directors:
- The event name is shown in the TD call when the app is not opened.
Phone ringtone settings are also in effect when a TD call comes in when the app is open.
This means that when a TD call comes in, a sound is played when the device is on loud, the device vibrates when the vibrate function is on and nothing plays or vibrates when the device is put on silent. - If a TD call comes in while another event is being looked at, a notification is shown at the bottom of the screen. Switching between active events is not yet possible.
Version 2.0.2
New features:
- IMP-scoring has been added.
- The frequency list enables players to find out which pair got which board result.
The following functions for tournament director functions have been added:
A compact overview of the session’s progress. For each table, the number of boards played is indicated.
Access to all boards and results registered on the boards (only for non-playing tournament directors).
Suspicious contracts are highlighted.
Overview of players at each table in a selected round.
Ability to receive TD calls within the app via smartphone notifications.
Bug fixes:
Forgot password was not always sent to the right email addressVersion 1.1.1
Nouvelles options:
- La moyenne du tour est ajoutée à la feuille de route.
La carte sélectionnée dans l'analyse du jeu est en bleu.
- Les nombres n'étaient pas affichés en Anglais.
- Les paramètres des résultats n'étaient pas sauvegardés quand l'utilisateur se déconnectait et rentrait à nouveau dans l'appli.
- L'analyse du jeu ne fonctionnait pas quand le joueur N était chicane piques.
- La touche OK n'était pas visible quand dans l'écran d'aide avec une police large sur quelques smartphones avec un trop petit affichage.
- Le numéro de licence pouvait être saisi deux fois en cliquant rapidement sur la touche "Ajouter un membre du club".
- Quelques corrections mineures.
Version 1.0.1
Première version.